Zoom Soft Toy Australian Birds with sound chip
Zoom Soft Toy Australian Birds with sound chip
Zoom Soft Toy Australian Birds with sound chip
Zoom Soft Toy Australian Birds with sound chip
Zoom Soft Toy Australian Birds with sound chip

Soft Toy Australian Birds with sound chip


Kookaburra - With Sound chip - 
Height: 17cm Press the tummy and listen to them laugh!!

Rainbow Lorikeet - With Sound chip -
Height: 18cm Press the Lorrike
et's tummy and it will sing it's beautiful chirp!!

White Cockatoo - With Sound Chip -
Height: 18cm Press the tummy and listen to their call. 

Galah - With Sound Chip -
Height: 18cm Press the tummy and listen to their call. 

Vendor: Elka

Soft Toy Australian Birds with sound chip
